Info needed for price calculation

In order to make a price offer for your house please send us architectual drawings, plans and section of your house, full desription for wished facade material (wood, putz, etc), roof cover (metal, stone, SBS, etc), type of Windows (wood, wood-Alu, ....)

House production and delivery time

For each house we will make exact time plan based on house measures and wished stage of the readyness, but in average time plan for house 150 m2 is following:
- Production drawings 2...4 weeks
- House production in the factory 6...8 weeks
- House delivery and assembly 2 weeks
- Facade and roof Works, installation of outdoors and Windows 3..4 weeks
- Gyps board installation inside the house, wet room preparation for hydroisolation Works 2...4 weeks
- Interior finishing Works 4...8 weeks

Contract and bank garantee

With Swedish Customers we are signing standard Swedish contract ABS09 and giving bank garantee for prepayment security. In other countries we are signing our version of contract.

Garantee period

For house shall bearing construction we are giving garantee 10 years. For all other construction works and materials we are giving garantee 2 years or direct garantee from producer. For example window producer garantee is 5 years, roof tile producer 10 years, etc.

Type house/catalouge house

We are not offering type/or catalouge houses. All houses we are building are based on individual architectual drawings.

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If in some case you can't rich us by phone, please use this on-line contact form.

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